Old man yelling at clouds

I don't write too often, but when I do, i'm probably ranting about the state of things today and how the world is turning to sh*t.

Introducing Facebook Blocker


Introducing Facebook Blocker

After a couple of hours of tinkering around with the new Rad Studio XE from the guys at Embarcadero, I finally came up with this “Facebook Blocker” tool.

Music Information Retrieval Made Simple With LastFM API DLL


Music Information Retrieval Made Simple With LastFM API DLL

A couple of months back I started developing a jukebox-like MP3 player for a radio station in Iași.

AvTracker - Helping Malware Writers Since 2009


AvTracker - Helping Malware Writers Since 2009

Rumor has it that avtracker.info is back online - alive & kicking for the second year in a row.

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