All posts about research

I don't write too often, but when I do, i'm probably ranting about the state of things today and how the world is turning to sh*t.

Youtube Starts Taking Down Android Malware Demos


Youtube Starts Taking Down Android Malware Demos

I just got notified that one of my mst popular videos on Youtube was taken down

Porn scam on Facebook makes thousands of victims, ruins reputations


Porn scam on Facebook makes thousands of victims, ruins reputations

Sooo, you just tried to watch some action posted on Facebook and now everybody knows this.

Found Chrome Exploit. I Declare it Void and Null


Found Chrome Exploit. I Declare it Void and Null

Unless you live under a rock or you don’t give a damn about what happens in the sec world, you have probably heard that the guys at French vendor VUPEN have managed to pwn Google’s Chrome browser and managed to execute arbitrary code by breaking out of the browser’s sandbox.

Introducing Facebook Blocker


Introducing Facebook Blocker

After a couple of hours of tinkering around with the new Rad Studio XE from the guys at Embarcadero, I finally came up with this “Facebook Blocker” tool., 'lucrat' din interior

Bogdan BOTEZATU •, 'lucrat' din interior

Se pare ca eDomenii, unul dintre cei mai renumitr registrar-i de TLD-uri si furnizori de hosting din lume a făcut cunoştiinţă cu mâna lungă a furtului de informații.

Cum încurajează băncile române phishingul


Cum încurajează băncile române phishingul

Nu cred să existe utilizator de mail să nu fi primit vreodată un mesaj aparent venit de la banca X, care să îl roage frumos să-și "actualizeze" datele de contact și cele legate de cont.