All posts about programming
I don't write too often, but when I do, i'm probably ranting about the state of things today and how the world is turning to sh*t.
Snakes on a Plane - How to Use Python to Import Flights Into Your CalendarsFor the past few years, I have been using App in the Air to track my flights. As I’m extremely paranoid with what applications have access to (and most of the time I travel for business purposes), I’m not in the best position to forward documents or grant random apps access to my inbox.
By now, you might have heard about the security bug that is affecting Java
If you’re more of an office animal, then you’re probably used to the pranks that people play to each other when going AFK.
Zilele astea am făcut abuz de Facebook să recuperez cu chestiile pe care le-am pierdut cât timp am fost plecat cu treburi.